CGI How-To Counter Script
To use the counter, add the following line into your homepage where you want the conter to appear.
<img src="/scripts/count.exe?dd=a|df=user.dat|md=5">
The first variable after the ? (dd) is the digit set (below are the examples):
a -
b -
c -
d -
e -
f -
If you like the digit set c then set dd=c
The second varible (df) is your account & page number. Use your login followed by a number. For example if your login is tom use df=tom1.dat for your first page and df=tom2.dat for you second page.
The third variable (md) is the number of digits to show. If you select 5, then 00001 will be you first hit...and it will go up from there.
So Tom likes digit set c, his login is tom and he want 6 numbers to show on his counter....he would enter the following on his homepage.
<img src="/scripts/count.exe?dd=c|df=tom1.dat|md=6">
Tom's counter will look like this: