+1 480-998-1843
Hosting Solutions


Customer Testimonials

The (successful) effort to deploy FrontPage server extensions - and the support on permissions issues - puts Hosting Solutions at the top of the list. I just moved all of my business web accounts here, based on the reliability and service I've experienced on my pro bono site.

Naomi Glass
Win/Win Marketing

Thanks for helping me set up my first web page. You made it easy and understandable!

Dru Fenster
Spectrum Design and Graphics

I am amazed as always in your response rates and the way you deal with our request in such a personal and timely manner.

Many thanks once again.

Jason Pye - Business Development Director
The Mill, Rewe, Exeter, UK
On Quota Ltd

I must say that CommKal has the best support I've ever received. Your answer has (again) been extremely polite, complete, and it was ready within minutes.

Fernando del Valle
Mar del Plata, Argentina
Delsat Group S.A.

I tried three other hosting companies that I was dissatisfied with before I found CommKal. Now, after 8+ years, I still say that CommKal is the best one out there! You can't beat their Tech Support and uptime!

Marianne Meyer
Crest Net Sales

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